How to get to the evening programme at Savutuvan Apaja

Evening programme at Savutuvan Apaja – Narvi Night, is a very anticipated part of the World Sauna Forum 2024 event. Here are some instructions on how to travel to the location.

By car

Welcome to Savutuvan Apaja, a beautiful place on an island in the middle of the Finnish Lakeland! Where you feel like you are far away from civilization even though your drive will take only about 15 minutes from the city centre.
Going by car is only a short distance and easy to reach. The drive is around 13 minutes and 11.9km.

From Viilu, take the Satamakatu to the left to the center. You will see a small tunnel, there take the road leading to the right and go on E63.

After about 800 meters take the exit onto Route 13, 23, 4, 9, towards Lahti/Kuopio/Mikkeli/Varkaus/Vaajakoski.

Stay on this route until you reach the roundabout in Vaajakoski.

From there you take the first exit onto the Vaajakoskentie/Vaajakosken ylikulkusilta E63/E75 and take the next turn to the right onto Haapaniementie.

Now you follow on Haapaniementie until it turns to the left onto Pellonpääntie. Follow Pellonpääntie a few 100 meters then turn right onto Haapasaarentie. Follow this road until you reach Savutuvan Apaja. There is enough parking space available, though carpooling is recommended.

By boat

Päijänne Risteilyt Hilden Oy The ship MS Suomen Suvi leaves on friday 16:30 from the harbour of Jyväskylä. Jyväskylän satama, Satamakatu 8.

Enjoy the stunning views of Finnish Lakeland and have a drink on the sun deck.

17:15 we arrive at Savutuvan Apaja where you will get served welcoming mocktails.

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