Travel information

Here you can find information on the different travel options and all the event locations.

Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any guestions.

Traveling to the World Sauna Forum: Find out details from the tabs below.

map of finland

Here you can find all the events on the map. Most of the events are a few hour drive away from each other. 

There are icons next to each city on how you may travel there. Most of the cities have either bus or train access and the travel system in Finland is easy to use.

By clicking the links below, you can access the different transportation systems of Finland and buy tickets online. Some stations have ticket booths but we recommend buying all tickets online.

Distance between Helsinki and Jyväskylä is 3 hours by car and 3 hours by train. 


For more information on the local sites and how to travel within the cities, click the links below.

Locations and Transportation

If you’ve secured your overnight stay near the city center, you’re conveniently within walking distance of all our event locations. Explore our interactive map for easy navigation.

For the evening program on the Friday 7th, transportation to Savutuvan Apaja is arranged by us.











Paviljonki Jyväskylä congress centre & Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki

Paviljonki Jyväskylä Congress Centre
& Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki

Walking distance from Paviljonki to Sataman Viilu 10 min.

Paviljonki Congress Centre (Messukeskus)
Main seminar location

Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki
Lunch location
Hotel website

Sataman Viilu

Sataman Viilu

Sauna & Wellness Market, Matchmaking and Evening programme


Sataman Viilu website

Savutuvan Apaja

Evening programme at Savutuvan Apaja – Narvi Night


  • Distance from the Harbor of Jyväskylä to Savutuvan Apaja by ship 45 min
  • Distance from Sataman Viilu to Savutuvan Apaja by car 15 min

Savutuvan Apaja website

Original Sokos Hotel Alexandra

Original Sokos Hotel Alexandra

  • Walking distance from Alexandra to Paviljonki Congress Centre 10 min
  • Walking distance to Sataman Viilu 15 min

Visit website

Hotel Alba

Hotel Alba

  • Walking distance from Hotel Alba via walking path to Sataman Viilu 25 min
  • Walking distance from Hotel Alba via walking path to Paviljonki 25 min

Visit website

Alvar Aalto Museum

Alvar Aalto Museum

University of Jyväskylä

University of Jyväskylä

Toivola Old Courtyard

Toivola Old Courtyard

Harju ridge & Vesilinna observation tower

Harju ridge & Vesilinna observation tower

Jyväskylä Art Museum

Jyväskylä Art Museum

Shopping street

Shopping street

Jyväskylä’s Lutakko Harbour

Jyväskylä’s Lutakko Harbour

Jyväskylä Railway station

Jyväskylä Railway station

Fixed taxi prices

Order by calling and mention “World Sauna Forum”. 

Call: +358 100 6900

Prices and more information below:

With further questions, contact our International Communications Manager Titta Pervis at